“But you can’t stop selling, because you’re addicted to the money.” “That’s just what wealthy people do. They take advantage of the folks that don’t have money to fight back.” “Here’s to the ones who fight the battles, even if they don’t win the war.” 看到最后还是忍不住眼湿湿做个正直的好人真难也真好啊
It is proof, proof that for all the differences between us and all the forces that try to divide us they will never exceed the power of love unite us. 在你被称为黑人白人直人弯人之前女帝跪趴在龙椅下吞吐首先你是一个人开场的混剪就值五颗星les婚礼哭点加一颗星结尾的群P可以再加一颗星